Erectile Dysfunction Isn't a "Death Sentence"

Erectile dysfunction is the disease all the men in the world are afraid of. According to surveys and studies, the risk of getting ED rises rapidly since the age of 65 (it’s about 20% for 65-year-olds, and reaches the number of 77% for men over 75). However, young men may suffer from the disease as well, which is usually connected with health conditions underlying the problem. In general, 1 in 10 men is supposed to have impotence.
Actually, single instances of erection troubles aren’t the reasons for concern, as it sometimes happens to men because of tiredness, stress or extensive alcohol consumption. But when trouble getting an erection is regular, or erection can’t frequently be kept for a normal period of time, these are the reasons to visit your doctor.
Causes of ED
The nature of erection is explained by the blood flow in penis initiated by hormonal factors and impulses in the brain. Consequently, troubles with erection may appear in case of the following medical conditions directly connected with blood supply and blockage of impulse in brain:
Moreover, erectile dysfunction may appear as a side effect of medical treatment and as a result of tobacco use, drug abuse or alcoholism.
History of Treatment
According to the fact that possible causes of erectile dysfunction are rather variable and mainly not connected with realities of the modern world, people have been aware of it since ancient times. Surely, our ancestors couldn’t put up with disability to have a healthy sexual life, so they used all the possible methods to cure impotence. Men ate roast goat or rooster balls, used snakes and lizards, applied ointments and even performed magical rituals (for example, killing a witch who is thought to be guilty) with a single purpose to get back their manhood might.
There was treatment with testosterone, which contained sheep testis extract. At the beginning of the 20th century impotence was thought to be the result of early sexual life and masturbation, so some equipment which kept young fellows from masturbation was invented. Then penile surgery, providing men with penile implants, and vacuum pumps became popular.
Discovery of Effective Medicines
In 1982 papaverine was discovered to be able to initiate erection, thus, the epoch of pharmaceutical treatment of erectile dysfunction began. A-adrenoreceptor blocking agents became the concern of multiple studies, however, the first agent offered as a medication for erectile dysfunction, phentolamine, didn’t meet the requirements of patients suffering from ED. A newly invented tablet form of the agent was more effective, but led to a wide range of side effects, so most patients had to stop their course of treatment.
The most considerable breakthrough in medical treatment of impotence took place in 1989, when sildenafil citrate was synthesized. At first, it was aimed at vascular distention to deal with heart diseases, like stenocardia. However, it appeared to be ineffective in the area of heart diseases. Instead, a side effect of erection was noticed. And after a set of tests, legendary Viagra was approved by FDA as a highly effective remedy for erectile dysfunction.
Modern drugs for erectile dysfunction are phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE 5) inhibitors. Apart from world-wide brands, like Viagra, Levitra and Cialis, a lot of generic medicines may be purchased via the Internet or at local pharmacies. Along with pharmaceutical treatment of erectile dysfunction, surgery, injections, psychological therapy and alternative medicine remedies are still available. But anyway, if you face the problem of ED, the best way is to consult a professional doctor and find the treatment which is appropriate personally for you.